Petition to Choose what equipment your profile shows.

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by TheSpartan, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Shadow, that's incorrect. Like people have already said, it displays based on release date.
  2. You can just unequip and reiquip the bad equip
  3. That doesn't work, balto.
  4. What would be cool is having an avatar of you wearing your equip.

    Anyone want to code that?
  5. It makes it harder to size up enemies, which isn't why the OP suggested this. I'd like to know the full strength of who I'm attacking.
  6.  well OP it's not a horrible idea. But I'm not sure it's really THAT important so I guess support
  7. It could be a new spell that let's you chose what equip you want to show.
  8. No offense but that's dumb
  9. u mad bro there's this thing called the BB code thread use it
  10. Support!
  11. its the small things in life that matter :)