Make it so that the taxed money gets saved and the bank is robbable, then you have a whole other aspect to the game, it'll be like a lottery.
Think op is thinking the way of banking gold to not go into wars with a bucket load of gold. Players might be saving for new lands but want to do ee.
At least then have an ee bank. Use this to bank while in ee and only the gold you had before ee. Gold get payed back as soon as ee finished
You shut up. I love this idea. Those bronze bars are a scam and its a perfect outlet for people who are getting farmed.
There is a tax in a bank=20% when you deposit, there's only a 5% difference.. For Bronze bars which are 25% back when you sell.
Ellis. That is so idiotic that It hurt me to read it. Anyway. Op, you should bank your gold in pots or bb. You receive 75% of your money back, same as pots.