PETITION: Shard LB NOT Anonymous

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Davey_Jones, Nov 22, 2014.

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  1. Support !! Name and Shame them !
  2. 100% support to Troll!

    What kind of crap is that? A secret LB? A lack of a LB will encourage cheating that is sure to happen. Many players are already talking about how they farm all their alts shards.
  3. Support!
    If anyone is just farming alts and easy targets for shards they should be prepared to have those shards stolen. Without a published LB this event is far too exploitable.
  4. I still see war clans caing the lb after 1000 steals how many do u see them having left?
  5. You guys are dumb. How are you going to know if they are farming Alts? Can you see their hits? No you cant. Being able to see who is on the lb is more of an advantage than farming alts because of the fact that the payout is based off of relative size and the amount of shards the opponent has. Stop being noobs.
  6. the top players would bot, account share, or not sleep for anything longer than a couple hours with trusted friends assassa pinning them. sad but true..

    support, because itd be pretty damn funny.
  7. kinda agree here although I can even touch most of LB so yea.....
  8. Support this was going to be my soul goal didn't realize it was anonymous :-(

    Great event devs
  9. No support. It would be just the tactic of your clan family to steal them and/or strip them to zero shard and gold to better your own positions ;)

  10. No ! To think a clan might actually hit someone in the leaderboard. Holy crap! That would be like a war game!
  11. No support, at first I agreed but your reasoning just makes it turtle wars v2 which can go suck donkey dick for all i care
  12. Support

    Unless I'm on the leaderboard then no support
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