In my experience the 11 man rosters in chaos wars worked great but the last few wars of the season I was in , we were matched against stacked clans. I think it was moreso the timing, near the end of chaos wars, that many more within ee community began manipulating their rosters, stacking for lopsided matchups. That's why I feel the 11-roster is not the key
look at there. A tiny account (with ee equipment) who doesn't support big surprise it's also a big surprise you're running your mouth too on that tiny account.
I'm confused. Did the admin create a thread for war and lock it . I can post there. Anyway. I don't know why everyone is so upset about the wars. I only started a week ago,but from what I understand I can have one of the most powerful war builds an sh. , before the end of season and get equipment. Can all you mods and hassles just convert to sh?
1) I support 11v11, not your crap ideas Ron 2) half my equip is unequipped to try to match 3) it's a shadow hansel build idiot