Noone cares because their points about indi are not good enough to rebut mine lol Edit: say what you want. I cant be bothered tbh. If you cant think of a response good enough to back indi wars after all i said take my opinions into consideration. If you do great - I would like to hear it and discuss it in pm
Shut up already youve posted 8 times in two pages basically saying the same thing over and over. This thread is for indi, make your own thread for LL
Ok statless i will take u seriously I can post whatever i want in forums. Come up with a real arguement against my points and ill take you seriously
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 250 SUPPORTERS Support. Most clans will draw based on performance and experience. Some clans won't let non-members war with. Part of the player base is gonna either feel left out or will be left out. Better if you still run indi wars so anyone can war regardless of affiliation or experience.
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 250 SUPPORTERS Support. Can I have my name in blue
Devs just railroaded the LL wars through - Other than renewing my EE once every 2 weeks, Shady will not be participating in LL Wars - First Season ever ATA will not get my $ and time. Moreover, I am protesting any spending through S6 (I'm just one account in the sea of many, but I will let my pocket book speak for me; clearly devs don't listen us) And thank you LIFE for putting this thread out, and the nerely 300 players who spoke up Very Proud of the Players and Community, ShadyMarine ^Still Very Disappointed in ATA - Shame on You
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 250 SUPPORTERS They don't take orders either. Nice to see the plea for a 5th war be heard.