Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 180+ LeaderBoard, War Commanders, Trackers, Veterans, New Players spanning all sizes in past 24 hours.... Devs are you taking notice? The community rejects your attempt at creating LL only Season Wars Will you listen to your player base and respond in kind? or do you not seek feedback from customers? Still a very disappointed in ATA, ShadyMarine
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 i look forward to this petition winning out. S6 will be a good time to repay all the idiots from S5. I'll prolly enter alts and pick my best odds like so many others do and mole if against myself. As long as i get 1 action in and ignore xtal call I'll fit right in. Looking forward to wars without a WC or TR or SS as often as it was in S5. INDI is the only fair format that anyone can enter and play any way they like. SUPPORT
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 So almost 200 supporters, thats about the entire community thats still active if you dont count alts right?
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 Support. Toss some INDI WARS in season 6! Give other players a choice of their war preference!
Re: Petition INDI NEEDS TO HAVE A PART IN S6 In those 180+ more than veterans are eb fairies or poor build, ARE YOU NOTICING THAT?