Petition: Increase payout for using Seal Of The Damned

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by n8milIs, Sep 14, 2013.

  1.  You KNOW it's going to happen, Beow! This is KAW!!!
  2. Thank you shado, I agree. FruityCat, thank you for not reading any of the thread. *slow clap*
  3. Consider this you muppet... *puts beer down*

    The seal enables you and your friends to participate in an epic battle that pays a previously unthinkable amount of gold... You can get the seal for free from hitting another epic battle drop OR pay for it in nobility...

    IF you OR a friend choose to pay for it then stop crying about it, people pay for nobs for speakers on WC.... Is that really worthwhile... Not really!

    *Jack Nicholson voice*

    Don't question to manner in which the devs provide the opportunity, Be thankful for the mega bucks and be on your way...
  4. Unicorn, yup. I can also see a lot of clans that advertise in WC for the new haunt, get an influx of opportunists for the EB, and leave immediately after.
  5. Unicorn I actually HOPE that happens, itd be one of the funniest things Iv seen on here 
  6. BlackFando, you are entitled to your opinion, and you are completely free to be a punk troll. Don't kid yourself, though, it doesn't earn you any respect.
  7. Punk Troll.....

    Thats almost laughable, almost...
  8. No support, you are greedy. It doesn't need to pay well because the eb pays great.
  9. Using an item which we get as a drop in other eb = sacrifice?
    Logic just got strangled! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. I ran a test: seal=50.3m

    I hit it only. So 1 action and it was the seal.
  11. I didnt get my first free seal
  12. n8 - there is another aspect to this and that's the intrinsic value of altruism. Self sacrifice for the good of the many vs greed and opportunism (and I'm talking greed without anything changing with the seal).

    Yes you will become more valuable just by virtue of having that seal. You can use it to your advantage or you can be taken advantage of.

    Or you can be altruistic, a gift for your entire clan. You will be seen as a man among men and finally have a shot with the chicks. Love, adoration, cementing your loyalty among your clan members...many positive aspects. All this is lost if that seal represents an extra bil for you. Ppl will think your intentions are greed if nothing else.

    I think it's a great social experiment. Let's see how it plays out.
  13. @Silent - yeah, that's about the same as the Seal of Deflection pays.
  14. Not going read thou all this  no support I like the eb the way it is wish devs keep it a round perm
  15. devs please give me 3x haunt.....deevvs! Why isn't the item pay any better?enjoy it or don't do it
  16. I've noticed you don't get a bonus. But if your part of a clan. It's team work right? Be proud to be part of a team. This eb is ace pay so I'm with moose, be great full.
  17. Oh I read your thread. The item itself is to unlock the 3x haunting...that's the payout. *slow clap to you for a very minimal effort in your thread*
  18. It's a shame that the seal doesn't pay so much....oh wait I get's pay is a 3x haunt...hmmmmm thanks devs for listening to this petition 
  19. i want to see that. I will give wall art to the first player who does that 
  20. If you think the seal user should get more... Then give them more: Let them have the first 100 items in each phase.
    Clan still makes plenty of gold on atk and asn.