Petition - Get Rid of New Update

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rose_Strawberry, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. Costs may be reasonable to a 80 bill cs person, but to small clans they're nigh impossible to reach; and we all need small clans to allow small players to grow!
    Plus, the roles are restricted
  2. I'm barely 25m cs and I can earn the gold for most of the clan roles in a week, maybe 2-3 roles per week not hard with sb from events but if you put your own kingdom growth above developing a clan you shouldn't own one.

    Don't get the whole "restrictive/too many roles" arguement, old system was restricted too; an admin couldn't kick another admin or remove a lesser admins privileges or give lesser admin to a member without being an owner.

    Try thinking outside the box, you'll be surprised at what you find.
  3. The old system had flaws, but the new system isn't exactly perfect. I honestly didn't think about it before, but you're right about the Admin kicking thing. However, I think you're wrong on the costs idea; in a bigger clan running higher tier EBs, certainly you can earn quite a fair share of money. But even then, you probably can't earn a trillion for War chief easily - I know I can't, even if I leave my clan to earn - and much smaller clans that run Warbeasts, for example, for newbies will find it hard to even reach the lowest ranks. And it is restrictive. The old one I will easily agree was too, but not in the same way, and people wanted an update to change it for the better, not to create a new set of problems.
    The bigger positions are limited to small numbers, and smaller positions are restricted in their use. A recruiter can only let players in, but can hold no power within the clan itself. War Chiefs cannot mute players, while almost every other position can
    There are quite a few others which I won't mention now, which shows the system as flawed. Maybe a free, box ticking option would be better; decide which powers to give to whom. Create a lesser and greater managing power, possibly.
  4. I support op. No need for this crap. Especially silencing feature.