Petition - Get Rid of New Update

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Rose_Strawberry, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. See I knew you were an idiot, but not that much of an idiot. I said I would give you attention/not ignore you, I already said that, in the post, right there. I can see why you would say none of my posts hold any content when you can't even read, moron.

    Edit: Have I reached the level of keyboard warrior that deconstructs entire OPs that are simple and make a point, grasping at straws trying to refute a valid point about a useless update, in order to look like a cooooool dude? I'll cop keyboard warrior, even if it's from one himself - but being a tryhard? I'll leave that to you.
  2. I've played 3 years and am very loyal to this game, but the new update makes me want to quit. It just isn't that great and its a waste of space for something so weird and unorganized.
  3. Yea dude you caught me, I totally care if the forums think I'm cool or not, didn't realize I needed permission to post suggestions in a public forum, my bad big man.

    I'll be sure to check with your illiterate bad ass self next time I think about posting, wouldn't want to mess with you.

    If you can't realize by the time of your post everyone is a pretense term and using it as a present term as you're giving me the attention I never need nor ask for. Then there really is no point in arguing with a moron who is as bad ass as this guy.
  4. Aww baby, had to pick on grammar and being "illiterate" because my tense for "everyone" is wrong. I'll bite on your next grasp at straws. Never mind the fact that "everyone" referred to all the people who had posted after you and before me, as in everyone on the thread. You knew what it meant but now need to get technical because you have nothing else to cling to.

    Apparently you don't try to look cool or care what everyone thinks yet call me a bad ass, keyboard warrior, try and tear the OP down, etc. Also if you could find where I asked for you to ask for permission to post these forums, that'd be great. I don't even know where you got that random crap from.

    If you don't need attention, you wouldn't be here making your tryhard posts - but you keep telling yourself that.

    Anyway hopefully I didn't get any tenses wrong for you, I'd hate for my grammar to be the basis of your weak response again. :(
  5. If picking on our language abilities is weak game.

    You'll have to step yours up then.

    Wow you must have a lot of down time to be dissing me here and on another thread with what I assume is you mistaking me for another player with a similar name. Try searching the battle list I'm sure you'll find your prince ibobba. :lol:

    Ok hotshot cool your jets, I'll indulge in giving you the attention you so desperately want from me for whatever reason you have.

    Yes I cling to what little social interaction this forum gives me, it's my sweet nectar in the oasis of gloom. That being said I'm kind of bored of you already, I could keep doing this stupid dance with you or I could laugh at your try hard original post on this thread. "Huhuhuhu look at this guy no one is paying attention to him lolololololololol derpa derpa derpa derp" or I could not play High School Hallway with you and laugh at your post to claim "victory" over me.
  6. Support  I'm glad they finally answered our prayers an such, but this rushed update is garbage. Ruined servers and game overall

  7. Not really, name one negative effect it had
  8. Well if you insist...
    ) No match for LL wars and Indi wars due to update screwing with servers
    ) Cost Trillions to be able to have half as many admins as you used to have for no reason.
    ) in other words, small clans can go fist themselves
    ) The sporadic distribution of roles is stupid. Some people can do some things whilst others can't is a great idea, if you don't do what they did.
    ) lets just reiterate number 1... NO WARS
    ) I have very good internet, and before update KAW ran at lightning speeds. I would finish an item phase in HTE before someone else got one click on it (exaggerated) but now due to update, it takes 15 seconds for the game to just load. Outside that load times are much slower now

    I've been asking for an update like this for years (as have many people) and I really wanted to see it happen, but no update should be made if it brings down the overall game like this has. Bring it back in, tweak it a bit, then put it back out

    Not really, name one negative effect it had[/quote]
  9. Reading is entirely different to commenting on grammar, especially as a minor technicality.

    All I can see is you contradicting yourself and then making up some stuff I never said, in an attempt to make a response out of it.

    Apparently you don't care about me (or being cool on forums) yet you continue to respond to me with a high effort post, in which you again tell me how bored you are with me and how I desire attention. Go figure.

    Apparently I come onto forums dissing you, when it was only the other day you "dissed" me for no apparent reason, other than you wanting some attention. Go figure.

    Apparently I mistake you for being iBobba, no, I know that is not the case, as I pointed out - one is a decent person, then there is you. I also made that clear on the other thread where I "dissed" you. Go figure.

    I don't need to make comments in my responses where I pretend the other person said "derpa derpa derp" in an attempt to make what I said seem more stupid then your posts. Speaking of high-shcool, I used to pretend people said stuff they didn't back in primary school - that was a good trick at the age of 8. Go figure.

    Apparently I've got plenty of time to "diss" you, when you are deconstructing OPs and my responses into sections with cute responses. Seems like a non hypocritical call. Go figure.

    Yeah, basically go figure. Post another contradiction filled response, I got plenty of time. Let's do it.

    (Oh wait I don't deserve a response because it's time for Bobba to back out before I make him look more stupid. Lata noob.)
  10. So how about that new update?
  11. I don't mind it prime, I'm willing to pay for some roles; not that I would want any tbh.

    I get small clan's complaints on cost, but then I have to point out these back to back events going. The "too many roles" one I get, sorta. To me it's something I can organize and construct to what I would feel a well running clan would be like, some people can't do that and that's okay but we all can't have our cake and eat it (actual video for this game :p) we don't have any creative rights as forumers thus we can't really do much beyond suggestions and complaints.

    In the end people are either going to keep tap tapping this app or another one.
  12. Support for removal
  13. I'll hold judgement for a bit to see how they work, however the devs need to fix so you can play on kindles again. I not fond of the updates but I understand why they did them I just wish they would have got more input from the people who spend real money to play the game and those who don't. With out us kaw would not exist. The devs have read all the negative feed back from the players and the only input we get is what normal clanman/clanswomen can be called. They don't waist hours a day playing we do and pay there salary so if it was me I would keep my customers happy. At least the majority of us.
  14. Sigh...  just quit if you don't like updates, as for myself I love new updates  Makes the game more fun and interesting

  15. 1. That's not the cause
    2. You literally get 2T in free gold every two weeks, if you have 4 players in your clan you can buy all 56 roles
    3.check 2.
    4. They aren't sporadic or complicated you're just....simple
    5. Check 1.
    6. Obviously you're having Internet problems.
  16. Your right. That definately needs to be fixed.
  17. I wouldn't mind just the new clan stuff removed. The other stuff isn't too bad.
  18. Not read tbh but clan owners should be able to select roles for their own people how they see fit
    Devs want more money for nothing
    Clan owner already bought clan recruited members to join
    Devs what part did u play to ask for more money ?
  19. Can I be a giraffe pls ? Yes but 60 nobility u get plus 1 neck