Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. I only have 100k spy attack so no support, if spy quests are released they'll take me too long.
  2. My spies are busy trying to fortify their respective towers, how can they quest and keep watch over my lovely kingdom at the same time?

    Besides, petitions never work. Devs will release what they want when they want.
  3. We need spy quests so we have somewhere to put our spies during the attack only phase of EBs.

    God forbid we use the dreaded BATTLE LIST
  4. Support

    They need xtals
  5. We need spy quest and more land to buy
  6. Support but only if we can get xtals and nobility
  7. This would be great
  8. Support 
  9. Support but won't happen
  10. Equality now!
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