Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. If hansels can't do quest just cast mith
  2. Sorry, no support.

    You want to waste your spies? Use the battle list.
  3. And you can scout bomb too were you can't attack someone below 20%
    Spies can always scout.
  4. Full support!
  5. Your support doesn't matter
  6. :| You understand I was being sarcastic, right?
  7. That was in general not to you.
  8. Support.
  9. Bonzoid is right they don't need to make more it is just another thing to get free xtrals they just need to change the quest to get the option to att or ass
    Also it is one of the advantages to being a att build so if u don't like it change ur build or stop complaining
  10. i support it...
  11. Support

  12. I don't see why not... You can count me in.
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