No support. I'm not sure if anybody said this yet, but this game is made for mostly attack builds. If they made spy quests, more people might become hansel. I do not believe while making the game, ATA wasn't thinking there would be hansels. I think they would rather keep more attack builds than spy builds.
Ive thought that for 2years… I thought… Damn it, stuff my spies, i hate em, they're trash. So then i just kept my spies to 0 and built hansel, until… HANG ON!! Guilds = Plunda!!! Then i go, lols, you bothered to read my crappy story! Teehee. SUPPORTED TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!! -I'm not Buzz Lightyear Support. ed
Not only did i support buttt(, eww i touched your butt!) I SIGNED ! DARKCORE106 Signed by: DARKCORE106!
Hmmm.. Why? Well It's just a tasty idea. Think of the new stories and art they could make if they did this. That alone makes me want the addition os spy quest.
I believe I said this before. But I did not see an answer. Wouldn't try have to balance the quests? Like take half of the quests away from attack and make them spy? Devs can't have people making 2X the xtals can they?