Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. Quests are stupid.

    Petition to remove all quests
  2. Quests are an important part of KaW history.
  3. Spy quests are stupid. But I think the current quest system ought to be revamped...
  4. I think that it is a good idea cuz I have to cast spells to be able to complete quests cuz I am pure spy
  5. Support the devs keep bending us over harder and harder
  6. Support! Definately after the new ebs where u spam attacks, we need somewhere to use our spies so people dont farm with nothin better to do with spies! :) please kaw make some spy quests?
  7. Some ebs have attack bars only, thus the need for spy ebs is growing Moosey. SuPpOrT

    Peace :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  8. ~ i vote for spy quest~
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