Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. Im lost. Can someone wall me how hansels r op?
  2. Hansels are so OP I'm gonna make my HF lands all attack builds becuz no one can handle my power
  3. Millionth time this idea was suggested and again no support
  4. Support

  5. Yup, it's a no brainer! A can't understand why the devs haven't released spy quests already support!
  6. Give a good and practical reason for spy quest and I will support it. Trying to get free xstals isn't a good reason. Spies can complete the quest fairly easy now with the use of eb equipment so that argument is gone
  7. Support n signed
  8. That would be great, We need more quests, to earn xtals and nobility points...
  9. Can I sign more than once? Maybe lock these quests when in a war?
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