Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. I'm sorry but this is ******* stupid. This threads existence is annoying me.
  2. 3 your growing on me
  3. Developers have said before something along the lines of the following:

    Spy quests will not be added to the game because spies were never intended to be one of the main aspects of the game.

    From that, it's sadly obvious this thread is going no where and is a waste of space.

    Sorry to buzzkill.
  4. Full support
  5. Support
    Moose for hansel like me
  6. Support. and just more quests.
  7. Support.

    V want spy quest.
    Luv doing quest
  8. that would be awsome :mrgreen: :lol: :roll:
  9. We can call it something other than quest but I do support this idea
  10. We have quests that use soldiers, why not quests that use spies?


    Signed, FeatherGuy
    (PS I dont think its gonna happen though, sadly)
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