Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. I still say no support. But this is pretty impressive...
  2. Support - but they should be based on the highland corners in the same way the attack quests are based on the lowland corners.
  3. I support that . Hopefully lots of bonus xstals
  4. Holy crap, I never noticed that :eek:
  5. Wedigle
  6. Moey, stop posting those links everywhere.
  7. Dunno why my lil gh ass is quest complete...... by mith duhhhh
  8. I think it's a great idea
  9. Great idea, But no support... Even though the "Hansel Build" is a great way to earn gold, You have the Epics to hit.
  10. I want some! SUPPORT!
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