Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. Let's all email the devs to start spy quests, tell them that you will stop ur funds to them unless they make spy quests, WE WANT SPY QUESTSTSSS!!!
  2. Support.. Hansels can do quest for the xtal
  3. I'm all for it, but this idea is too old to influence the devs.
  4. Support

    Or introduce a new chapter in the quests for people that have already completed them, maybe link it to the scorpions?  I would really enjoy one more run at free xtals through questing.
  5. There are spy quests - cover of night and foreign territories
  6. Lol ... Try those if you need something to do with your spies btw 
  7. Signed By MarioMaster!
  8. Yeahh. I been thinking that for ages.
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