Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ___Anonymous________Martin_, Apr 6, 2013.

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  1. no spy quest....change your build if u want to hit eb
  2. i would like spy quests
  3. Why do I need spy quests when I can do this?
  4. I wouldn't mind it, but there are more important things for the devs to spend time on. If your spies are full and you can't use them on your current eb, just find an inactive to farm. It's really not that hard to find plenty of potless farms.
  5. I think assassinations would be better than quests. A quest is for soldiers, an assassination or thievery would be better.
  6. So devs, how about explaining to these hopeful individuals why it won't happen since it's got so much support.
  7. Want 'em but don't think it will happen
  8. The same reason troops do, to get gold from different tasks
  9. Consider it signed!!!
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