Petition for Making a Gifting Feature

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by One-BaDaSs_PaiN-In_Ur-AsS_LiLi, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. U can trade ur equips with ur alt... That way it would be unfair....

    No support
  2. Support.

    Many games do limited gifting with idems. It can be fun to help smaller players and allies alike.
  3. Devs could easily avoid that from happening.
  4. Support. I've asked for this many times before. Yes it could be abused, but with some more brain storming, I'm sure they could find ways to help keep the abuse to a minimum.
  5. Like taxes etc.
  6. No Support, all this will do is turn WC into panhandler central with ppl constantly the game, earn your stripes, the Dev's give enough away from events to help new players already.
  7. Me no think u very right
  8. I played a similar game and when they allowed a "gifting feature" it ruined the game. Everyone was feeding their main with their alts. Please dont ruin the game with a feature like that.
  9. I'm sorry, I didn't realize I time warped back to 2013 and swapped to PIMD. A little heads up, Trump wins 2016 presidential election and world war 3 starts 2 months after.
  10. Going to have to say no support unfortunately. Not only should ideas like this wait until the devs fix important issues such as hit ranges, but it is also going to make it far too easy to grow with no effort whatsoever.

    However, I'm down for a similar idea in the selling/trading of equipment.
  11. I support the edits :)
  12. No support...but maybe an option to transmute old gear into a little mith or something.
  13. no support, let us smalls earn our equips, we don't need your hand-me-downs lol
  14. Let us "bigs" decide what we want to do with our equipment. Nobody is offering anything to u. But the choice should be there.
  15. Support but don't make it need nobility to gift

    EARN IT by playing the game
  17. Stupid idea, so much extra gold and equip I could give to alts making them huge as well. Many others would do the same. What last guy said, earn it
  18. theres a button on the oracle that lets you trade in nobs for gold. you dont need to be able to trade silver bars to your alt. just buy the nobs on that account and buy gold from the oracle if you want to grow faster that badly. the equip trading thing might be cool i guess. i see too many problems with trading silver bars to other people