Please tell me when there was 3 am PDT wars? Wars with lb +sh have been tried and failed even devs pulled it out and then brought it back. Indy wars havent been tried and there was no time to prepare before when they did down under wars due to the ridiculous times.
Support us. We are just asking for one indy war for this part of the world that means there is only a 6 hr rest between wars but every part of the world has a suitable war for them to do.
It is hard to support the ignorant. People are adding facts and helping your cause but u want to argue about history that u either were not there for or do not remember. Tlwars didnt start this year whipper snapper.
^must have missed them Mr Alphanumeric. When did we have the wars at the time OP is suggesting? I remember the so called "war down under" timeslot but it was earlier than what canton is asking.
Ive been around a while and I do know the war times as I was one of them organising some of them on weekend. I also know the amount of ppl who would like to war but the times are unsuitable for our timezone. Devs have now reduced wait time from 2 hrs to 1 hrs and indy wars means u dont have to recruit you just cast so its minimal organisation but a lot of ppl here have never had the chance to war due to the times.