Petition for extra war for europe/asia/Australia 8/9pm aedst

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TweetyBird, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Since indy wars are only worth 1 supporting this thread could bring in 50 more medallions to reach the tier you need.
  2. Support, actually try the slot listed in op. Not the time slot you think are good for us.
  3. Support 100%!!
  4. Support.
    Wars every 3 hours for EVERYONE, not just for some. Nightshift workers and other time zones deserve equal opportunity to war!
  5. Support to adding an extra slot. People say they don't have the slot because of low participation and clans couldn't get matches, but there are indi wars now. Shouldn't be too hard to get some indi war clan balance out of the "few" people who want to war.
  6. Do it devs, you know it makes sense. Pull your fingers out only 7 weeks and 6 days to sort :)
  7. Devs did do wars in that timeslot. When 10 person wars were popular, they put 20 person wars in this timeslot...and clans struggled to get the numbers. We got one weekend war then a series of midweek wars when we only wanted weekend wars to help develop the timeslot. Numbers waned, devs patientence waned, and the poirly executed attempt failed.

    History aside, There is no reason that the devs cannot run indy war format in any timeslot. It beggars belief that indy wars even need a set time. Frankly, like xbox call of duty, u shoukd be able to sign uo for an indy war anytime, with the war starting with say 15-30 minutes warning once matchup.
  8. Support 
  9. Move too Murica commy
  10. People saying devs did wars in this timeslot was when they ran round wars where u need over half sh and lbs. Neither were available in such numbers where if u fielded a clan full of mids u wouldve lost.Clans gave up like most in Kaw and the excuse by devs is a cop out.The time was at 5pm in Australia too. There hasnt been indy wars at 3am PDT.
  11. Support
  12. 5pm was a rubbish time. I never knew if I should commit to casting in case I ran late from work. I'm sure this would have been common. 7 or 8pm est would b a significantly better turn out I'd wager.
  13. Wars are 24/7 stop complaining
  14. Support! It's obvious that cantonesecannonball has put a lot of thought and research into making this thread. An indiv war in the 3am PDT time slot would benefit a large number of the KaW population, as well as give the option for another war to help get the 100 medallions needed for the S4 equipment. This makes an improvement to the game without taking anything away.

    And if the time slot isn't for you, hey, sleep through it. It's not as if every player wars in every war available, as it stands now anyway......or are you concerned that your eb's may fail overnight?
  15. Wars are 24/7 vultures? There is a 9 hr gap. That is not 24/7
  16. There has been wars at the time suggested. Agree the limitations of previous wars excluded many...most to be honest. I always knew more wanting to try a war or frustrated at failed model than i knew who were truely war active.

    I hope u get somethin in this timeslot, but please dont say it hasnt been tried in this timeslot. It has...and it was poorly executed and doomed to faikre as a result.

    If devs try again, players will need to support in droves...else they will drop it, again.