Keep supporting. Ridiculous they did a backflip on exploit wars yet dont try to support a bigger user base.
The idea is that 6 wars is enough but it's in the time in which they run, the reason is so the countries where wars are mostly during work hours and wee hours of morning and extremely late
Wars are now at 12 they've gotten worse.I would call for more support please esp from lb. I supported your round wars so we need all the supporr we can to get us an indy war at a reasonable timeslot for 6 timezones
Full support - I've actually given up warring based on various issues with the war system and matching; being offered at best one very late slot per day is an insult that makes the decision to not war that much easier. I have a family, a job with long hours and travel and cannot stay up til 1 am in the morning when I have to get up at 5:30 am. KAW is declining and continues to lose its player base as devs ignore long term and wide spread feedback on issues such as PVP and war mechanics / builds and payout. Keep ignoring a large part of your player base, and KAW will die off just like GAW did. I've seen little in the last year or two to give me any confidence the devs actually care. Bring on the next stupid promo and keep ignoring long term players like myself and others on this thread and more and more long term players will leave.
Wars now start at 12 am and are 3am 6am 9am 12pm 3pm everyday for an aussie. Pls support indy war so we can hv one at 9pm
Oh god so glad I don't have daylight saving in QLD, war schedule bad enough as is. FIX the war schedule, it's crap.
I got an answer back from the Devs on this...they said 'we don't give a poop about Australai/NZ/Asia and we only care about your money' ...or words to that effect...