Persepolis standing against discrimination against homosexua

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. This whole thread is funny. I never bashed anyone. Perse is mad about other things.And I really don't care. He's a mental midget.
  2. Now you are bashing midgets?! You think they want to be associated with this guy?
  3. I doubt his own family wants to be associated with him.
  4.  the word homophobic makes me laugh

    Homo- meaning liking same gender in this case
    Phobic- meaning scared or fear of

    Last time I check just because ppl don't support homosexuality doesn't make them (homophobic) scared of gay people
  5. ️
  6. I think, someone should come along and actually ban all the prejudiced and discriminative people on this thread

    The fact is, if someone's homosexual, so what.

    I don't care, if they was the queen, if the joke is funny, I'm a say it.

    Also, we all got difference in humour as gays differ in sexual preference.

    So if you want someone to accept homosexuals, then accept their humour.

    But seriously, a lot of people seem to be down on homosexuals, yet in honesty I think most of them come close to being as feminine, moody, indecisive, and straight up gay. So maybe many are just giving gays a hard time because they are trying to hide their sexualities and their gayness
  7. @c0mley, so if straight men not supporting gay marriage means the straight man is suppressing gay feelings,

    Were the KKK racist because they were hiding their blackness?

    Your comment is a stupid theory. Nobody can just have their own belief system without being accused of being hypocritical. Is the world so messed up that now there must be a conspiracy theory for everything? 9/11 staged, moon landing faked, new world order. Now you say a straight man can't believe homosexuality is wrong without himself being gay? I guess that makes a whole lot of traditional Christians gay then.
  8. @pup
    Agreed 
  9. Yes, Jesus was bisexual

    Noah was into beastuality

    Christianity is alsort of hypercritical and contradicting.

    My hypothesis isn't flawed as many are acting out over something where in honesty their opinions won't needed in the first place

    Also, you must have a really big issue with being called gay, you aggressive tone of writing is really wasn't needed.

    I'm sorry that I accused you of being gay... I didn't know you've got issues with your sexuality and feel rather insecure.
  10. @coml3y

    No need to get sassy comrade 
  11. Also, pup, I didn't just say men

    Also like to quote myself and repeat myself.

    "Being down on homosexuals"

    To me that isn't the same as being none supportive.

    Yet then again, why wouldn't anyone not support it?

    Modern civilisation really are accepting towards homosexuals only a few backwards and simple minded countries that are having an issue with it.
  12. Sassy?

    Seriously, if you gonna comment, please engage your brain before doing so.

    You really are saying some silly comments, and I don't know if that's a side affect of being close minded or just because you lack intelligence to make your own decision on things.

    But hey, I'll tell you something, it's okay. God loves you.

    God loves everyone, right? Especially the ones who think they are above others.. Right? Or isn't that a sin... Because I think by thinking yourself above someone else is having too much pride. Which isn't that what you all are doing?
  13. Nice picture. Guys like that are called provocateurs.
  14. Ouch coml3y that felt like a slap
    I didn't know I was close minded just because I didn't support gay rights..... -.- sorry that that's freaking stupid
    It's just not in my morals or beliefs....
  15. And no we aren't thinking of ourselves above them  wheretf did that come from
  16. "Having too much pride" that's hypocritical b/c with those homosexual festivals and stuff they have what you're saying is "gay pride" too much pride?

    Your logic confuses me
  17. what's up his ass?
  18. C0mley. Once again, as many of your arguments in forums on various topics, having a different opinion than you automatically makes someone close minded? That's a pretty close minded idea if you ask me.

    I'm not sayin my opinion is right or wrong. I'm just saying its how I was raised. Men with women and vice versa. I have no problem with gays. If they want to have sexual relationships with the same sex then so be it. They only thing I don't like are threads like these. SO AND SO IS A DESCRIMATING/RACIST BASTARD BLAH BLAH BLAH. People are entitled to their opinion, don't like it don't read it. It's pretty simple,

    Also, callin me gay is not offensive lol. I could careless what you have to say. Having wrestled in high school ive heard my fair share of gay jokes. I know and my past female companions know I am a straight male.

    Anyway; I'm not gonna argue about how my opinion is close minded and blah blah blah, everyone who disagrees with Conley is stupid, blah. Comely is the most intelligent man ever, even though his posts are filled with grammar and spelling flaws. That doesn't stop him from trying to call other people uneducated though. Oh the irony 
  19. I like how people are called close-minded. Since when was it anyone's problem wtf I think or don't think? If what I think is illegal then sue me for this emotional stress and further labour the courts over stupid crap rather then doing something useful. Heck how about shut up and help a homeless man instead of whinging about this rubbish? This argument is going nowhere.....