Persepolis standing against discrimination against homosexua

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Guys... Who thoughts a lesson?
  2. To be honest the hate against this my never end intirely but their are lots or praying you can do I am not a homosexual , but I believe that it's wrong but that the person is razed like that or other things happen to make them that way , but we can pray for them still because god still loves them , they are lost just like a person who is not saved
  3. Sorry I disagree , it's called freedom of speech !! If u don't like what ppl say, u have the right to leave and any situation .
  4. ^ tell that to Donald Sterling.
  5. True you have a right to leave but you also have a right to state your opinion , because this topic is open to the public , that's my option about this topic .
  6. It's a joke FFS get over it, if they where directing it at an actual gay person sure they're assholes. But a joke is nothing either everything's ok to joke about or nothing is -_-.
  7. True at hunter I agree 
  8. And why did you even make a thread about it? Do you think the gay community will erect (lol) a statue of perse for defending there honor :p
  9. What direction do 5 gay guys walk?
    A. One direction!

    What do you call a gay drive by?
    A. A fruit roll up

    Why can't gay guys go faster than 68 MPH?
    A. because at 69 they blow a rod.

    How do you fit 3 homosexuals on a bar stool?
    A. Flip it upside down

    How do you get a nun pregnant?
    A. Dress her up like an alter boy.

    Haha jk! Carry on with the thread 
  10. How many ppl dose it take for a gay to go stirght 2 non gays cuz once you go straight you don't go back . Or if your stirght then good for you and the joke is just a joke .
  11. First : this is a war thread to announce a war against two noobs who mocked gay community
    Secpnd : no one is allowes not in here (based on TOS) not in rl to mock or make offensive comments about a discriminated minority in public under the flag of "freedom of speech", so dont tell its freedom of speech and I can insult a race, or color, or a sexuality. If you havent read the TOS or dont know the laws study them before making childish comments cause we have a few adults in here
  12. People who can't joke about race or gays are normally the people who have the problems with them !! It does not matter if your white black gay or straight , were all human and we make fun and joke , if u can't take it, lock yourself back in your moms basement ,so the real world can't hurt u no more.
  13. Quit being so sensitive and then people can't use the jokes to hurt u  although most of the time a joke is to get a laugh not hurt anyone.

    If people quit trying to regulate what people say by telling everyone what is offensive and what isn't then there would be a lot less problems with discrimination and race.

    Do I throw a hissy fit anytime someone says "white men can't jump" or "white men can't dance"? Obviously not and while that may be a poor example the point is don't pick and choose what you think is offensive in race, sexuality, or gender and try to force that on others or your only making it worse. My coworker is homosexual but when someone makes a gay joke all he has to say is "and I bet I get laid more than you" then everyone laughs and he is still one of the happiest people I know because he doesn't see it as a personal attack but for the joke that it is.
  14. Lol an entire clan farming 2 people is not a war. This just sounds like you guys are trying to take a moral high ground, waste of a thread and a waste of time.
  15. Just saying... What Jasmine said about ToS is true... So do these people get forum banned?
  16. A jokes a joke, if u can't joke about everything u can't joke about anything. There will always be someone offended by what others say.
  17. I say we all just start hitting each other.
  18. U guys in my opinion need to thicken ur skin. If it's a joke it is a JOKE not eholeheartedly. I hate kids in my school who get mad Bc someone says a black joke or Mexican joke when you've got the blacks n Mexicans laughing at it too! Seriously what the ****. If the minority that's being jokes about don't care shut up. I'm white and I think white jokes are hilarious. I'm make and I think sexist jokes about guys are funny. As long as they don't mean to hurt someone who cares. If you get hurt by a few light jokes ur a ***** and it's time to put u ur big boy pants on and grow up. I believe practicing homosexualism is a sin Bc of my Christian faith. But this nation was also founded in Christian beliefs, hence the in god we trust on all our currency. I do not believe that if we are a Christian nation we need to change the word Christmas to Xmas because of some minority being offended. I believe we should accept them but i strongly oppose any change for them just because they're a different religion. If they immigrate they know the traditions of most Americans andost of our religion. I'm offended by people saying that Christmas is offensive.
  19. Plus this isn't discrimination. They aren't singling out gays or treating them different. It's prejudice. They are are just opinions and they haven't taken action on their opinions therefore it is not discrimination.