I'm against homosexuality. I make jokes about gays, dark people, white people, straight people, able bodied people and disabled people. Y'all just need to get a sense of humour.
You have every right to your own opinion as long as you arent forcing those opinion, or beliefs onto others.
If u agree w the masses u r torrent and accepting If u believe otherwise u r a bigot rasist sexist homophobe etc. one must ask if the stated goal of different groups is to have tolerance and understanding then y are they not tolerant to views or opionion contrary to their own.
If i want to make a joke abt gay people, i'm allowed to. Just as i'm allowed to make jokes about straight people, black people, white people,... Positive discrimination is also a thing
You have the right to say what the hell you want. That doesn't mean there aren't any consequences behind what you say or imply, especially on this game.
World is becoming too sensitive . We are all different and that's what makes us the same. If we can't point out and laugh about our differences then people will always be scared of what's different. We all need to grow some thicker skin. It will do us good in school, at work, and in life in general.
By you calling them noobs, you are discriminating. Singling them out as lower than you. So you stand up for
Oops hit post while trying to clean my screen. So you stand up against discrimination in homosexuality, but not other discrimination?
Are you saying he made a joke about gays or directly insulted one? If he just made a joke get over it and stop being overly sensetive, if he directly insulted someone then good farm his ass