Persepolis standing against discrimination against homosexua

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Supposedly Adam and "EVE" not Steve 
  2. Let's set the record straight. I have no problem with gay ppl. I have gay friends/family. This started because op is butt hurt. He started this mess. By insinuating I was homo sexual. I replied with "you can keep the guy on guy for yourself" if that's gay bashing then you have problems. You are a pathetic noob. Keep filling my feed with fails. Sorry for spelling and grammatical error as I'm a little drunk right now..Thank you to those that have showed support.
  3. Jacob, go back to your ponycorn world. People has the right to do their own choice.
  4. Jacob your spelling is about as good as your grammar but your vocabulary is worse then both
  5. See guys? The schools are finishing. Immature kids are coming back!
  6. Wow. Perhaps a little less rage and a semi coherent message may get your own message across Jacob
  7. Hi ur a bunch of faget ass no life's go suck a dick like y'all already do I love ***** and only ***** that something all men should love instead of dudes liking other dudes butt
  8. If anyone would like to see Jacob preach his gospel it is on my wall for you to behold lololol
  9. I think so and don't want anyone catching on so he rages like that every time homosexuality is mentioned
  10. Is ok Jacob...
  11. Persepolis exaggerates the truth to make false threads, smells of dogto me
  12. That kid is following me now.
  13. This wasn't even a good read... Terrible noob thread /lock
  14. t(^-^t) BOOP! To the Haters. t(^-^t)
  15. I eat hate with maple syrup.
  16. Persepolis is a drama queen thst just wants attention. Lied cause his joke back fired on him. What a loser.
  17. Who on here is a homosexual anyway? Not prejudiced against any orientation, but I myself find it strange that one gender can like both.
  18. any case. It isn't right to say things like that. I joke around too yeah, but nothing I've said was or is "offensive"

    Earlier today A clannie said he like to get pounded (something similiar) and I said "Ha, gaaaay." Meant to be a joke, taken as a joke. Which it was. Although it still was a bit rude; there could've been a gay clannie and he/she might've been offended.


    The point is I f you going to joke about it, be mature and willing to take responsibility for the words you have spoken.