Persepolis standing against discrimination against homosexua

Discussion in 'Wars' started by jasmin-bala, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. Do some research before you try to say I am wrong.

    Evelyn Beatrice Hall wrote this under the pseudonym S. G. Tallentyre in her 1906 biographical book The Friends of Voltaire.
  2. Rant time? Hells yes its rant time.
    Firstly, straight man here. And I enjoy all forms of humor. Why? I'm not a terrible person. I'm a great friend, and a lovely person. But I recognize humor as a means of satire for "minorities" (a misnomer, as minorities are quickly overtaking the majority). You can make whatever jokes you want, about anything, because it was a joke. You wanted to make someone laugh. You know what isn't funny? Forcing people to accept you and your belief because you're right. Live how you want, do what you want in public, start banging on a table, I don't care. But forcing me to accept you, or watch, or whatever, that's what isn't right. Not the people poking fun at your "minority".
    Take jokes as they are, and stop pushing people to accept you. You aren't special.
  3. Ah. Nearly forgot.
    /end rant
  4. HA. GAYYYYYYYYYYY seriously tho, it was a joke man calm down and go grab a beer
  5. Naked what has always got me is these people who support gay rights preach to others about being "tolerant" towards those groups yet when you disagree with they they are just as ignorant and intolerable as they say we are for not accepting their views. 
  6. I had to read that 6 times Ian still lost as towards what you say.
  7. Tolerate me, and I'll tolerate you.

    I have friends that are from all over the world, every color of the rainbow(pun not intended, but well placed), all sexual orientations, from every religion (
  8. Where's the rest of my comment?
  9. iii_Bestman_iii __persepolis__ yawn you're old news even yafi got tired of your fail hits
  10. I agree with Castiel. Tbh, anyone who has seen Dave Chappelle and has found his jokes funny would agree with that. On the opposite end, those without a sense of humor would boycott his "brand" of humor and likely most of any comedians' as well. Jokes are an expression of free speech. Any true American would defend his or anyone's right to free speech and should expect the same.
    That being said, there are people that just say malicious things because they can. In that case, those aren't jokes. In any case, if anyone, albeit a "minority" or "majority" allows their own sense of self worth to be affected by someone else's words, perhaps they aren't so complete or comfortable a person after all.
  11. They can live how they want, as long as its against the law for them to addopt childrens and to kiss in public...
  12. So perp how many accounts you gonna need to pin a 5mil cs hansel?
  13. Q: What do you get when you cross an eskimo and a gay guy?

    A: A snowblower
  14. __PERSEPOLIS__ is a hypocrite. This whole argument started with a belligerent comment questioning the sexual orientation of Justis_ and accusation of a romantic relationship with another player. That player is the same sex as the accused. Justis_ replied that he would leave the same sex stuff to PERS.

    Pers used this joke as a platform from which to farm.

    Don't look for a cross to bear if you are the one driving the nails.
  15. Persepolis is some 1 who lies
  16. *waiting for thread to be locked due to flamming*
  17. If u farm u will see what will happen