If someone ever does something like this they do not deserve to war ever again And im not talking about inactive, people without xtal whatever, that stuff just happens This thread is in regards to blatant cheating/disrupting on purpose if i knew how to post ss from ipod in forum i would
That's why I said unless in cc. In which case they deserve a perm ban. In other cases its harder to prove and the devs will have to make those decisions on a case by case basis and with the ability to review a players history of unfair conduct or whether it was unintentionally done.
I quit warring, because some squeeze bulb full of saline water used for feminine hygiene, cost us a war by inactivity. 0 actions, 324k spy defense, nearly 10 mil attack....we lost by a billion in plunder. I'm not going to waste 2 hours of my life and crystal, just to have some buttock hat ruin the war for everyone else. I'm still dump spies during EBs on that kielbasa king. But hey, support at ATA still hasn't responded to my last 2 emails.....tells me what I need to know. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to address this issue, you may split your head when you pass out from lack of oxygen. I think shattered sword should last 6 months like a silence, during which time you can't war at all. This could be appealed like a silence, with Devs looking at the accounts history to determine if life happened, or the account is owned by a terminal end of the human alimentary canal. I permanent Damocles list to perm farm these jerks would help as well. /rant off
Don't rule out the possibility of a permanent shattered sword. Remember, Devs punish people upon there own discretion. Lying in emails, disturbing the community peace, ruining wars etc. Always send support a heads up with evidence. If the individual is a repeat offender and many complain, it may be a possibility! Send inquiries too: Support@athinkingape.com
SUPPORT. IF INACTIVE TWICE IN 3days. using emergency or accident as a reason? it wont happen twice. cast at your own risk. if you die while warring its your fault hahahaha
Devs should lock selling potions and bronze bars during war, that may help somewhat with ps opening during war for friends on enemy. As well as preventing players from dropping bb to strip ps.
Even though op has a history of stealing senior citizens underoos (either sex, he doesn't discriminate)..support X0)
Another simple idea would be to force all builds to have one spy and one attack building in order to war, yes a hansel can still be open but would not leak nearly as much