@ minas morgul - please stay off forum if your posts are equivalent to what a 5 year old would've wrote. Thank you
the plunder and ee, my tank build makes 10 mill more first hit than me sh with ee lvl 5, and you can thank my towers for that
Perks of being a Allies on SH are mostly prized for Hit ratio, the ability to hit mids with high BFA is not very usefull anymore as mids have all dropped build or don't war, until Devs change war system anyway
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I know sh plunder great in ee wars but how is their eb plunder? Reason for asking is because i see them have small to massive bfa and i'm just curious about eb plunder.
You all asking the wrong SH, take it from me... BFA helps SH a crap load, Vandaddy is the biggest SH in kaw #150's ally LB, i am his kid, i war with him all the time, along with my brother. Throughout season 3 Van was an asset to war because he is able to hit 9M defense and get through, in other words he can hit bigs and mids and plunder them, ontop of that Van at the begining of the war helped the rest of us sh stay up and bought us time while the other side's sh tried to pin him (failing every hit)....so BFA is very important. If sh are to keep up with other sh they need to start building BFA because everyone has BFE now, so BFA is the new thing in higher demand. I have almost enough spy bfa to where sh have a 0% chance at assassinations. Soon ill be able to assassinate bigs and start getting Big KO's. So all in all sh should be building BFA (ontop of BFE) in order to keep up.
What hope said Also, EB plunder is decent. Doesn't pay too much from actually unloading on the EB itself, but reward evens it out.
Abandoned hit the nail on the head. You dont need bfa to plunder other sh, its so you can plunder bigger targets for a bigger payout while in turn giving mininal payout to your opponents.
At least Vandaddy is a legit hansel. You see people running around with 1mil attack and defense and 700k spy attack and defense. That's a damn SOS attack build. Not a hansel.
The reason they do that is to increase who they can hit. The Perks to being SH Decent Plunder in EB's. Low Damage (if bfe is removed) on HTE's unless you have massive bfa. Whoever attacks you gets really low plunder (makes it not worth their time unless they wanna strip you). You get to focus on buying lands. Very inexpensive build. Created with the help of Super at RH. After buying Lands you can focus on BFA (Helps you hit higher but also get hit by stronger people) With a lot of BFA (you can get stripped or if you ever decide to change builds you can buy all the HF lands and convert like i did) The smaller the build usually the more mith obtained in EE. You can see some SH's adding a few attack builds but remaining below the 25% attack build limit in order to increase their hit range. Can easily be done and cheaply. That's all I could think of hope it helps you out.