No they shouldn't. They killed off gaw and fc because they were both dead and kaw and pimd were both successful. It was a waste of their money as the servers were running but only a few were playing.
@kaw_community will this ever be released for IOS? Or will there eventually be an app for IOS only, like S.M.A.S.H. is NZ only, and now Perfect Drift is Android only, atleast for now, i'm sure you might have plans for releasing both games for IOS, but I was just wondering.
The exact details are up to the specific teams working on them, but in general we've been launching on a specific platform (Android or iOS) depending on the team's preference and knowledge. From there they work to balance things based off of user feedback, with the ultimate goal of releasing on more platforms and additional regions as possible.
Have it on my phone... Played for 10 minutes, drained 20% battery with low graphics. Kind of a rip off from the ff6 racing game. I'll give it a week b4 I delete my acct.
Its still work in progress and is normal to be issues. But issues are addressed by devs. Only today was 3 updates in Google Play Store and things are getting better and better.
Seems like another classic Need For Speed with less pixels and crappier performance. HOWEVER, if there is some good reviews I may try it out. Give them a shot.
For those unable to play: You press your screen when your car auto drives over a rectangle and release when it auto drives over another rectangle. At corners you have to keep an arrow in the sweet spot a la any kind of balancing mechanic you might see in a platforming or skateboarding game. Earn money by doing the above thrilling activities well and you can upgrade your car. Thats it.
Bummer. Device non campatable haha at least is one less ata game i spend money on my bank is jumping for joy
Meant what I put. Not talking about forums. I'm talking about the reviews you can read before downloading.