I'd happily swap to gaw or fc if they brought them out updated versions, everyone starting from scratch. So everyone's on an even playing field.
That's a "who was the first? Egg or the chicken?". Probably ATA considered is not worthy to invest more on FC and GaW due low player base. I still think that bringing FC and GaW to Android could save them.
Fc and gaw are gone for good. It's not about what you or I think, but what the financial advisers, stakeholders and employees at ata did. It's not coming back, move on, stay with kaw or leave the app; no one is forcing you to choose either option.
I'm not crying over FC or GaW. I'm not planning to quit KaW neither. Actually I find hilarious when I see in forums statements like "community wants this or that" or "community don't want this and that". I think ATA has all the datas needed to know exactly what community want.
It was just based on an "amateur" view. ATA's successful apps are KaW, PIMD and Meego. All there available on Google Play Store. FC and GaW was iOS only and now are dead. But probably ATA had well documented reasons to bring KaW, PIMD and Meego to Android store and not FC and GaW.
Fc had a lifespan of 4 years. I'm sure it was extremely profitable and successful, especially on the highly competitive iOS store.
We all like this game devs, give us a war in Aussie prime time 3am pdt and I might look at your new game, but seriously pls make this game work and listen to your loyal players, we all asking for same thing, fair war time for every one not just USA and Canada
See? That's what I was talking about... "We all asking for same thing". Guess what!? I never asked for a war in Aussie prime time.