That gladiator guy sure seems brave... Or just a forum troll. No one cares about your support in this issue so piss off
Props to both sides. Both are good sports and demonstrate the proper way to play KaW. Lots of admiration to you guys. I wouldn't say Percy overreacted at all by using multiple accounts or bringing in his clan mates. It's all in good fun of the game and I'm sure cheese had the same option. Well played, guys.
Hmmmm I personally would have kept it 1v1. It isnt exactly like cheese tried to strip you or something, it was just a bitof fun.
Martin how would you feel if you hit me a few times then i got my clan to strip you and put you in ca?
I would feel like I deserved it and hit your clan back.. Without saying a word in forums. And we didn't strip him. We just hired his allies so we could bank for war. It was only like 30b