Discussion in 'Wars' started by Majin_Vegeta, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. And more PvE, rewards for wars should be seperate and not pushing towards more ebs
  2. @Martin
    As i'v said before just because I'm not in an osw clan doesn't mean I don't want to osw, I'm just not stupid, i'v seen players that get into osw too early and never grow their account again.
    I never said EB is no good, it's great for growth and I don't love items at all but I can see that without a doubt they're needed to PvP, it took nearly 300 Xstals for me to get them all.

    Don't get me started on the new pots, I just don't understand why people can't grasp the fact that one is limited and the other not.
    Meaning you have to EB constantly to get the attack pots to counter the ones you can buy.
    It'll take months to stock up attack pots what you can buy in seconds to defend. Why can't people understand this?
  3. @panic totally agree with what you said about the new pots... Either they should drop in ebs like the atk pots or the atk pots sold in market not one purchasable and other only available in ebs
  4. Ahhh. I think I understand now..,
    Through a third party app , real players are selling their accounts for real money.
    Those idiots buying accounts will spend more money in game. So it would be a wise business decision to get a bunch of idiots pay/playing this game and get rid of the original warriors who horde their money playing a free game.
    The process has already started... I'm just a SHMUCK who caught on late.
    I think this topic deserves its own thread but not sure if I GAF anymore.
  5. Being a player that does not typically participate in system wars, I do not have much of an opinion on these changes. In my opinion, system wars are for show offs and their auto clickers. Although, I do like the idea of eliminating turtle wars. ๎€Ž๎€Ž the changes that I would like to see addressed are those that directly affect off system wars. The change to ally reset/drop return rates. Never before did you see these huge 1 trillion reset bombs. The reverse hansel build that is tower heavy therefor dtw to attack but open for assassins. Now these new defense items.

    ๎„œIf it ain't a strip war, it ain't a war๎„œ
  6. Tbh I would love to see equipment, the new defence pots and eb pots removed.
  7. Well kaw isn't going to switch 100% to wars in a day! Or a week! Or a month! A lot of People will still want their precious hauntings, until almost all of kaw has gone war. And that.... Will take a while... And I'm sure with everyone warring someone will find a way to exploit wars... And then we have the same situation that made the devs make epic battles.
  8. @tdsniper I don't want devs to go 100% all war... I and many people want focus on wars to be exactly that, focus on wars
  9. Since release of ebs, update after update has been focused on ebs
  10. The new update is unfortunately again focused on more ebs but this time through war
  11. Well written op. We need gold to burn up waging war. The profit from war is minimal so higher success/stats/allies/equipment are required for higher war profits.
    We agree, sadly, pwars created unbalance when abused. The osf's of the day still have sore wrists from dropping mist.
    Those who find the game lacking war should apply to a war clan.
  12. Good points op. the point is, and I'll keep saying it, kaw needs both PvE and PvP, simply because different people play different styles. There is room for both and they can support each other. Giving people the choice is what's needed, getting the balance right isn't actually upto the devs, it's upto the community. If people actually started showing their desire to war, rather than just talk about it, things would happen quicker.

    The game evolves just as the people playing it do. Change HAS to happen to move the game forward. Either watch and comment on the change, or have a role in it happening. System and OSW are completely different. One is about adhering to a pre-defined set of rules, the other is setting your own style of play.

    And EVERY player in kaw wants to grow, the only way to make war more appealing to the masses is give the players the option of greater rewards and also greater risks. Ebs = steady safe growth, war should give you the chance to grow quicker or have bigger losses.
  13. I agree lucifer, hence why I haven't said remove ebs and that Estocs edge WILL help smaller players
  14. Good points and extremely well thought out op,
    As regards to Estocs yes the rewards favour the eb player. But it also encourages the eb player to try to war even if for the first time so they may get a better eb reward. If this helps promote wars to new players then that is a bonus I fully support. Wars will never run b2b and time zones make that an impossibility in real world situations. What I would rather have is tournament that are not abused. Short wars so if we feel like saying hey let's just have a 4 hour war in 30minutes we can. If I want a 12-24 hour war then that's cool too.
    The dtw turtle issue is a pain in the butt and I have yet to see a single 100% soloution to that.
    I HATE DTW with a passion. It's a war game. Not a pop a mole on the head game.
    Faster regens in war would help. Lack of quests definately.
    No self pinning. Pinning team mates so they can sleep. Why not as I suggested elsewhere a sleep spell. Mithril and you sleep for 10-20% of the war (depending on war time 12hour mininum) with no auto join and that would help a lot of people out.
    But above all else the first priority of war is that it should be MORE PROFITABLE than epic battles. After taking into account pots used and Mithril spent. Hours in war etc. a war should always pay more per build than what they could earn in an eb. It should have its own dedicated equipment drops as alternatives to eb ones so people are encouraged to war. As things are ebs are essential to growth. Going up against players essentially requires equipment to be competitive against them.
    If growth and equipment come from wars then people will war. If not.
    Then they will hopefully do Estocs edge. Learn to love the thrill of war with reduced dtw hopefully. And they will eb the rest of the time to grow. Or osw whichever they choose. Things will change. They need to. But it will take time.
  15. @dark knight good points and a sleep potion is definitely interesting, war as you said NEEDS to be more profitable
  16. I'm sure there's more ideas on how to better the war aspect of what devs have proposed... So c'mon ladies and gents, this thread was made for your ideas to be seen by the devs :)
  17. Come on y'all. Where's all the love for the true warriors of kaw?? The strippers need love too. Throw out all system wars. Let's keep score by how many allies you've got. (or in IT's case, how many allies you don't got) that's what war is all about.