Discussion in 'Wars' started by Majin_Vegeta, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. Many players have already quit :( and being patient doesn't seem to work as each update seems to have more focus on ebs unfortunately
  2. Escots edge or whatever it's called is to try and bring EB players to wars. I won't explain the other things right now, but it's trying to get the wars and EBs balanced. And people always hate this game but keep playing. Pwars ended and people still play.

    You can complain all you want but it's up to the devs to decide what happens.
  3. @celloman... Why would eb players join wars when they can do ebs as they are? Again I don't deny Estocs Edge is a good idea but its NOT a reward for warring
  4. You make some good points OP, the new Edge item drop seems pointless really, since the clans that win these wars will be the same clans every week and most will have full items.

    The main problem that I have with all these new updates is its making it nearly impossible for osw clans to grow and complete.

    The 1 Xstal limit is a complete joke but we have the idiots of KaW to blame that on "you're only doing this for money" bla bla bla

    The endless idiots here don't help, like the people who just can't grasp why the new pots are a bad thing. Everyone saying "wait 6 months to see what they're big picture is"
  5. I agree with you panic... In 6 months I expect to see a bigger push towards PvE
  6. PvP will most likely be a thing of the past at the current rate
  7. Panics had mentioned the word OSW many times in his thread.. But look at all his items.. So enviable! And he is in a clan doing item EB 24/7.
  8. Panics had mentioned the word OSW many times in his thread.. But look at all his items.. So enviable! And he is in a clan doing item EB 24/7.
  9. The problem with most of your points is you're taking a biased view and ignoring what it can do. Obviously the devs don't want to kill off Ebs so complaining that they're not as we'll as it now being integral to the game- is pointless.

    Your point regarding estoc edge: sure it's pushing to increase in eb, but it's pushing non warring eb clans to go for war= war incentive. Also it pushes for clan togetherness- less of this mercing.

    Your point with pinning clan and 1 xtals. It's hardly a strategy to do this in wars - more of a necessity. A painful necessity at that. This is actually adding a new form of actual strategy - you need to know when they xtal for one, secondly- people ever more cautious using them= better/worse times and circumstances to be using them= more strategy.

    - also to avoid being repinned by the enemy, your clan mates should be pinning them to prevent that.
    Also they don't know your regen time - you have plenty of chance to regen extra or pin self with all troops on someone.

    Lets face it- there wasn't any "strategy" in previous war system. It was just stay empty and hope for a hit.

    Warning: Real war term analogy -WW2 beachhead theme- which I realise is flawed, but bear with me, it's not hard to understand what I'm getting at.

    Its like hiding in a crater and watching for no newb greens to break out and charge the Enemy and quickly grab em and pull em back. All the while taking pot shots without even looking. Great strategy there!

    - may have more to say but I can't remember other things what you have pointed out - sorry if I'm a pain.
  10. Yea Martin and you have no items ;) On no you have full items.
    One thing I'm not, is stupid, items give huge bonus, you'd be stupid to not get them.
  11. Panic, the point is,I love item and EB. And I see your love for items too. Why keep putting the word 'OSW' as if you are into it a lot?? And don't discount what Dev has done so far. You have gotten a full set of items and don't need to say EB is not good... For newbie who has not gotten full set, they need EB to get the items and Dev has done their bit in helping them..I'm for new pots.. They are to be there to be coexist with the EB pots. Otherwise Dev should remove them all.
  12. OP I Love you for mentioning the removal of self pinning in war twice. The grand finale of the summer war ended 4b to 120m, between the strongest two clans. That's how you can tell something's off...
  13. You make some great points blerghy :) but eb clans already do ebs and have to do multiple wars in order to get a decent increase in plunder and drops from ebs... I've never said 'kill' off ebs just that devs ONLY seem to be focusing on that aspect.... There will always be mercing especially with the Estocs edge
  14. The estoc's edge bonus becomes invalid when too many players shift in/out from the clan from what I have read. I dot know how it will be implemented, but it will kill off mercing, if true. It will however cause issues for family clans - which in turn may hurt Ebs as a result.
  15. Lol Eric... Easy fix to turtle wars would be to reduce the dtw option or remove it completely, just seems devs have removed the self pin and made it get pinned by other side
  16. Also these clans must war if they want the bonus- therefore increasing war aspect, will also decrease item eb only clans in respect either a they lose estoc edge, or b people's home clans have estoc edge.
  17. There are still many new clans with growing Kaw players who still need items, Estocs edge is a good idea to help them but... They will still post ads on wc when it comes to doing the higher tier ebs so essentially when they do... They will lose the benefit of Estocs edge... That won't increase clan loyalty either
  18. OP is right in many ways and many war vets already know how to exploit the potentially new changes, some of which have been mentioned in OP...(Hi to them)
  19. Agree Lu, I'm trying to get any and all input to these war changes as I'd like focus from devs to be on PvP not a combination of PvP