What does that have to offer War Clans? All u achieved is no clan wars. Idk how opt in only wars is a solution. S5 was an example of nothing special.
And everyone wonders why I preach osw Any system the devs come up with will inevitable be manipulated and exploited. Happened with pwars. Then it happened with turtle wars in that big summer war tourney. EE wars were fun the first couple times. I'd love to see Dotb hold their own in an osw. But it seems these days most players need an incentive to make their KINGDOM go to WAR.
Why do you need an event? You have a clan. Find another clan and start hitting them. Get your funds together and strip them while they sleep.
I felt like i was being yelled at while reading this thread. I dont even do EE. Kinda makes you wonder why so many people are spending money to build kingdoms that never hit anyone.
Cuz i built this account for EE. Yours is not. Apples n Oranges. If u like constant eb events so be it.
LMAO This noob right here. Ain't my fault the default war build is now turtle builds. I've been in more osw than you've been in EE wars I can guarantee you that
This was my first home clan on KaW 5 years ago Lolz I've been going around visiting friends as I recently became active again. If there was actually more dedicated osw clans around I'd be in one. I've already made my fair share of clans to reinvigorate the true spirit of KaW. And now due to my year hiatus I need to grow again before I think about that. But when I do oh man I hope like hell you're still around. You may have a big build, but your KaW knowledge is pathetic.