Penalized For Being Efficent: FFing and Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Maybe they should just disable forfeiting in EE wars. It's only a very short war.

    It makes sense you want more coz they took away your chance to get more, but as someone also said you also saved money because you saved your pots and time too.

    If you did spend a lot of mith to only get little back though yeah it does seem unfair.

    So I think the better ideas in my opinion are disable forfeits, or be refunded what you spent that was enabled during the war.
  2. Or refunded half. Since you also get extra during the war.
  3. Was gonna say the sane thing Miss Melon.

    The easy fix, take the ff button away.
  4. I think people are under the false impression that just cuz one clan warred for two more hrs that they "worked harder" well maybe the clan that got the forfeit worked the hardest since they made the enemy ff. Just because one clan worked longer doesnt mean the worked the hardest.
  5. I read only 2 first pages and I completely disagree with ppl saying FF is disrespectful or w/e you call it. Why would you waste 2 hours when you are completely destroyed by a clan because devs crap algorithm match you vs a clan higher in rank (example 11/80 vs 12/80 and being outnumbered by 5).
    You really think we're going to not FF because we got outmatched by silly devs and let our big opponents sit on us 2 hours more to let them earn free miths when we're losing more pots on an unfair match ? Are you serious ?
  6. I wanted comp to make both parties happy. 1 side gets to ff instead of taking the beating ans the other side gets their mith. I understand that unfair match-ups happen ALL the time (i actually made a thread about that cuz i have dealt with some terrible matchups) However should the winners, just like the losers, get punished for the bad matchup? No
  7. Awesome idea!! I like more mith 
  8. When u are matched against a clan with 10-20 players less than u, do u think u deserved to win anyway?

    Dev hav already given "free mith" to one clan when they mismatch them with huge member difference

    Wonder if we shd ask for more....
  9. Igcb that would be good but what if this small clan has a huge main
  10. It doesnt really matter just stay active i make at least 50 and they forfeit everytime at 2 hour mark
  11. And also if you spend your mith when the timer says xx amount of time till war all.mith will count as payout if you hit once your fully refunded
  12. At FoS we have a no ff policy. If the clan is kicking our butts they deserve every bit of that reward.
  13. @Kaybrand 50 mith isnt alot. If you make 50 mith every 2 hrs then if it actually ran for 4 hrs you'd have 100. I think everyone knows u get a spell refund after war if u win, that is noob knowledge...
  14. Y should u get to forfeit? You signed up for it not other clans fault u can't get ur  together. How bout trying not to suck
  15. If you are mismatched because of a crappy matchup system, I think you (or the other clan) has a right to forfeit. Besides, 4 hrs is a long commitment, I like the forfeit st 2 hrs because then I can do other stuff. :D lol
  16. Fight a real estoc clan, and when you ff, you will understand why it happens sometimes. We have made quite a few ff.

    Also support for op, if you can tactically demoralise a clan into ff your clan should be rewarded.
  17. There are always the clans that would ask for compensation in return for FFing. People will somehow find a way to abuse the system and earn Mith they don't deserve. I think a better answer would be to just disable the FF button for all EE wars (if this is not already the case). Fight to the end and don't make it easy for them.
  18. Wall me which ebs give mith also bump because its a great idea