Penalized For Being Efficent: FFing and Mith Payout

Discussion in 'Wars' started by cheezeplz, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. The thing that always seems to be forgotten in this is that mith comes with a price, it costs attack pots, defence pots and if you don't bank, gold.

    To have a compensation for ff's you have to have some kind of cost connected to it.

    In general I don't support this. You were better, take your win and get back to hit eb's (which you also get 2 more hours of) and war again next time.

    However, if a compensation would be made it could be in the form that you can buy X amount of mith from the Alchemist for a limited time even if you already have miths stored up.
  2. Well although I do agree that ffing is not honorable one must always play devil's advocate tofully understand the issue. A terrible matchup of say 45 to 60 ppl with enemy having 5 more strength is a war doome from the begining. That is an example of not working hard to win. However your point is when the number and strength are fair and your clan works super hard to track and pin your enemy you get penalized. You purely outclassed and outsmarted the enemy through tatics and strategy. So to satify both parties this was my idea: compensation
  3. Support you all the way Cheeze :D
  4. *updated with platium's solution* If any one else has a good idea i'll be sure to put it in main post
  5. Give the losers back half the mith they spent or maybe even all of it and don't allow forfeits.

    Also the devs should give me mith instead of xstals next time we have server issues. Yes.

  6. Goooooooood solution
  7. Bad idea.
    Going to war you take risks, you cam be defeated, opponent can ff cutting your payout.
    So in general you are saying you want to get paid for 4h of work but work only 2h, thats just wrong.
    If you want to play but never loose maybe KaW and warring isn't for you....

    Want to stop other side from ff, go talk to them...if nice words wont work you can always promise to keep hitting them after they ff :lol:
  8. Think deadlyfangs idea is along the right lines in that the compensation mith should have an associated cost. One solution may be that the mith store is open for mith purchase for the what would have been the remaining duration of war. Doubt unlimited mith purchase during this time would fly; maybe give option to purchase the amount you "would have won" if the war was extrapolated to its conclusion ( per equation already given).
  9. @soullighter If i can do 4hrs worth of work in only 2 shouldnt i get te same benefit? (if not a bonus) However i understand ur opinion, from a strickly time perspective a clan that warred for 2hrs didnt work as long as a clan warring fr 4 but that doesnt mean they worked harder/more
  10. @Deadlyfang will update main post with ur solution
  11. They aren't penalized... The reason why they get less is because part of the mith equation involves pots burned/burned pots. Why would you give someone extra mith for doing less work? It just doesn't make sense and I don't know why people have to complain about it.
  12. What if a generally bigger clan says "If you FF, we farm you after the war". Or "Just lay down, take the beating don't fight back and we won't kick your ass after EE."
  13. The problem is that match making is still screwed up. Most ff happen in cases where the opposition didn't have a chance.
  14. A lot of my alt's clan matchups have been good. If it wasn't for planned xtalling, we would have lost many. A good strategy can usually save you, if you get lucky/know what you are doing and hope your opponent does not...
  15. Hmm

    You'd still have two hours of troops extra...
    I don't support. If the enemy forfeits, too bad. Go cry in a corner
  16. Bump for chaos!
  17. Support! Send this to dev! They'll have to do something about this