Patron Saints PvP Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Tbh it doesn't generally effect me as it's normally when I'm inactive...its more the annoyance ahha
  2. Bruh
  3. Read the last two pages... Or maybe the first one even
  4. the one hour left update is funny

    Just drop crystals now
  5. How long did rewards take to be shared last event? Anyone have any idea? I'm guessing it will be the same this time...
  6. Long.
  7. What's wrong with farming hansels. This is the purpose of hansels. To be used and abused.
  8. *waits for 10 minutes left update so devs suck more xtals out of us*
  9. so many tears here  dont be so jealous on the one above you guys, that just mean they played harder than you did, or just luckier than you to get plenty of drops :)
    This fella opted in @ Apr 18 Asia time
    Proud to get at least 20k warworn.
    Did not use any xtal or song book just unload every time I'm free and lucky enough to get most drop :) btw

    Special Thanks to Iethe and Zealios for being open on last hour of event. Managed to get around 500 from the 2 of you :)

    Special thanks to most OSW clans I hit,
    Easier to win those people that dont have pots.
    Because of these OSW clans I managed to get top 1k, though I could have get top 500 only if I whacked harder. But I love my Beauty rest so I don't regret anything :)
    Good luck to all peeps participating to this event

  10. maybe they will do a 24 hour extra event day so we can 'catch up'
  11. Good luck all
  12. My oaf's and osf's are still dropping, why are they?
  13. Juan update pls? Pretty pls?
  14. Good luck all.
  15. Now give update you xtal leaching monkeys :roll:

  16. Full support