Patron Saints PvE Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. You must be Ancienne revealing to KaW more of Cella's alts

    Thanks bro
  2. Ergh ancienne.
  3. they too busy on clash of c. lolz
  4. Doesn't matter what u say. No one cares
  5. Just to let you all know #500 isn't doing hte. He's in EB rotation..
  6. 200 off top 1000 every time 
  7. Love how there is 42 pages for PvP and 9 for PvE.
  8. No one cares about this promo except for the HTE clans and they are too busy re-morgaging their home or cashing in their student loans to buy seals to post on this thread.
  9.  so true
  10. I pimped my wife snd mother in law
  11. How does one cash in on a student loan?
  12. what ebs drop spectral bowstrings?
  13. look at all the eb noobs
  14. Can we get a early update to see how much we need to get final flames???
  15. Dumb question
  16. With less than one hour left we've posted some updated leaderboards. Good luck in the final stretch!