I've noticed that KC has been responding to the PVP questions but nothing about the PA HTE side of the event.
Well, PvE doesn't need an event. So, enjoy your free stuff if you're not in B2B HTE or in PvP. PvP events are needed. PvE not so much. That's why KaW is responding to PvP more often, considering there doesn't have to be an event at all.
Is the equipment enchantable? If not there's no point in trying for them. Because only top 10 tier is roughly more stats. Which only the lb will get.
So I had the spell, lost it, got it back and lost it a while later. In addition to doubling my things it dropped mith Cheers and thanks Kaw Devs that was fun!!
Why not let us know the max stats of the eq you expect us to spend money to earn? Rember the feather event? Smh. And the top 500 banners look familliar lol
KaW, in regards to the spell thing you cast for nobs, OP said you can cast that for an hour and your spell thingie can't be taken away. Question is, does it provide you with that spell or do you have to have already earned the spell first?
Why was this event not started when everyone's spring break started? Would have been much better timing.
It basically takes 4-5 unloads to get 300 warworn remains. Maybe they should be thinking of adding new levels lol
Most the world has it this week and then either last week (like myself) or next week. Still doesn't make sense to start it halfway through the week most people start it.. this time last week or the monday just passed would have been more sensicle