I will say this again, maybe they'll listen this time. Having an open ended reward system with such a low top tier collection number, it crap. I was literally 30-40 off of top 5000 an I get these shitty rewards? That's totally fair isn't it? I waste all that effort collection the stupid things only to get the rewards of a garbage level which are all completely useless to me. Thanks devs for being so damn stupid with your reward system. You had it right with the feather event, it would have been good if you stuck with that one.
I hate the whole find 4 separate items that each drop at different amounts concept. They should just have us collect 1 item, and take out the top rewards. Just keep it as collecting a certain number.
I don't bother with the PVP events because I get sat on by 50-55m cs players. So I can't get a chance of actually making top anything on that
The reward tiers were clearly stated. Some people will miss out. Yeah sure it sucks but without winners and losers it would be totally pointless. Should've tapped a bit more or spent another $6. And your size is perfectly good enough for pvp. I saw plenty of accounts smaller than you giving it a go.
Yes smaller account which are out of the hit range of those 50+m cs players. I'm not out of that range, that is wherein the problem with the PVP system lays. I cannot even hit successfully anyone who is above that due to the immense BFA they have.
I dont mean to troll here but you are bigger than me and I managed top 2500 in pvp and I didnt even hit opt ins every day. It is perfectly possible for you.
And to get top 5000 in pvp you would have needed about two drops a day without any spell. Thats not even a fb so long as you arent unlucky.
For a person like me that plays maybe 4 hours a day depending on my work hours anywhere between 10-12 hours a day making it to a good tier in pvp/eb is a little hard to achieve but us working people cant expect devs to understand they they are completely brain dead when it comes to making it fair for the working class players to achieve something decent... all they think about is new ways of making money. They wont be getting anything from me for a while.
Water you talking about? I'm slightly under you in terms of cs, participated in pvp, got smacked by several 60+mil cs. Still easily managed to get top 500
You spent the whole event hitting HTE for 2 weeks straight. Don't complain about a bonus for doing nothing.