Patriots punishment. cheating your way to victory. Discuss!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, May 12, 2015.

  2. You know that it's called football because it's played on foot right? Not because you use your feet.... And it is a ball, just a different shape
  3. 243 page not 250 page. Rounding up was the wrong thing to do. You can't just make up 7 pages of nothing. Oh wait I guess you can make up a lot about nothing. For example how right you somehow always are. Your full of crap moose.
  4. It was originally 250 pages.. But the report went to the Patriots equipment room..
  5. In the words of rob gronkowski I have something you can deflate... Deeznutz (this is where you drop the mic)
  6. I saw cheating ur way to victory and thought of yafi. Hehe
  7. Tom Brady rocks meh socks!

    Just not as much as Slayerbob 
  8. Preface: I'm a Miami Dolphins fan...deplorable, I know.

    That said, 4 games is about right.

    Not because I'm a fan of a division team, not because I really think it's that big of a deal, but a voice of reason has to prevail at some point.

    My team doesn't face the Pats until week 8, they'll probably unload someone 2 years from their prime to recover their draft picks, and the franchise will save $1m on Brady being suspended.

    That being said, the coverup is almost always worse than the crime.

    Brady won't turn over his cell to the investigator!
    The Pats cheated before with spygate!
    There was a "deflator"

    Facts are facts. In the end, the Patriots will be fine, Robert Kraft and Goodell will still "do lunch" and Brady will get suspended more for lying and being uncooperative than any tangible transgression because Collective Bargaining.

    Kraft could go all crazy and go nuts about Brady, but Brady is a private man with a public persona. Being off the field may hurt, but having your high-profile life invaded may prove his undoing in this case. Not just because Ted Wells, but because Giselle and his kids.

    Why hasn't Brady filed a lawsuit?

    His cell records would be subject to subpoena, and his laundry becomes public record.

    He'll eat the suspension to save his life.

    Just ask Tiger Woods.
  9. Referee's get handed the ball after every play. Not one of them noticed or said "hey we need an air pump real quick the balls a bit deflated."
  10. Yeah. Referees..right. Like I said. It's more about the cover-up than the crime.
  11. So was watergate, and Nixon resigned.
  12. Why is it only a crime AFTER the fact? Noone said anything during? Im pretty sure if a ball was that deflated someone wouldve complained and made a scene loud enough. They are overpaid crybabies after all
  13. In this instance, 2 normal dudes might lose their weekend job they've had since the 1980's because Tom Brady.
  14. Just another 'Player' trying to manipulate the system. Some get caught and some don't it's nothing new. .. Case and point Kaw 
  15. You, or referrees Probably would not feel the difference in psi. People that seem to think otherwise have the memory of squeezing a football as a kid that was clearly flat. There is a huge difference between a ball that is flat and one under inflated by a small amount.
  16. The title kinda bothers me. Colts got an ass whoopin all game... So uhh how is it cheating their way to victory? A deflated ball doesn't make the run game any easier
  17. There is no scenerio I can see where the colts would have won that game (barring all the patriots getting stuck in traffic and missing the first quarter)

    The larger picture However, is much more serious. Do you think that this is the first time the pats played with non regulation balls? Of course not! Although the outcome of the colts game was never in question, the entire pats 2014 season IS, because not every game they played last year was a blow out, and, circumstantially, they were most likely running an entire season with non regulation balls.

    There are lawyers in forum who will criticise me for condemning brady for "circumstantial" evidence, but what those detractors fail to realize is that this is the NFL, not the people's court, and goodell thinks, like most people, that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. No DNA testing needed.
  18. And in a court of law probably maybe is a not guilty. He will get his suspension reduced.
  19. I think the NFL has less worries about doing "what's right" and is more worried about "protecting the shield" (NFL logo) and protecting profits.

    The pats cheated, or, in the rosiest of scenerios, it looked like the pats cheated, and goodell will protect the image of the NFL by cracking down on this. The NFLis a billion dollar enterprise, and it's credibility is king.

    He may, however, reduce the sentence because TOM Brady brings a boat load of cash to the enterprise. Instead of being the squeaky clean good guy who wins a lot, he has chosen the route of scummy villan/cheater who wins a lot. Both personas are effective in drawing a crowd.
  20. Also, in a court of law, brady would have had his cell phone records and texts subpoenaed.

    Remember, he refused to cooperate with e investigation that called his own credibility into question. How do you think spectators will react to that?