Path of Destruction declares war on JASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed923423, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. I haven't been hit yet either, as for Potato you'll need your biggest Alts to hit me.
  2. Pinky your dts lol
  3. He wouldn't hit u pinky he's scared of u cz u last rights hahahaha
  4. 3 days or so?
  5. Pinky has 0 spd. Seems like a waste of time
  6. Cos, the OP can always ask someone to leave, and that person must abide or risk a forum ban
  7. Everyone's leaving the war cause of this , there's gonna be nobody to farm smart asses , just saying .
  8. I haven't hit anyone yet.
  9. I have all sdp you. Hit away!
  10. Is this the JASW sign-up thread? Sign me up!
  11. I'm not even sure why you made this thread... For real war, it's called an ambush. Not "lookout, we're coming for you." If they're going to learn, that's just the way it is ๎‰
  12. I'm a waste of time? Hmm come to my news and don't assasinate me come hard bro!
  13. Dart, so why are there so many war declaration threads?
  14. Don't see why it matters ethier way they are going to get hit.
  15. Well pinky since you seem to want some love ill hit you 5 times๎˜
  16. There are only 4 people in OP's clan. Not much of a threat In my opinion.
  17. Pinky, you're a major waste of time ๎’ Stop lying to yourself ๎„…
  18. Thank you chaos for the attacks!!

    Now YOU,quit trying to assassinate me and hit me !! You declare war then bring it bro!
  19. That doesn't mean there are only 4 people hitting.
  20. Barcode, one person can take down a clan. It's happened before. Four people who know what they're doing can be extremely destructive.