Path of Destruction declares war on JASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed923423, Sep 30, 2012.

  1.  #JASW2012
  2. No! No hashtags! 

  3. Nice frank!
  4.  MiCkEyKnOcKs is a damn good forumer.
  5. You: what do you hope to gain by this? Really?
  6. Frank that's a good way to get a forum ban bro.
  7. Be fair. A group of folks WANT to pvp, and you're going all-in to make sure they get nothing before you lot just farm them out of some self-righteous glory to sabotage what most of us legitimately want?

    You want more pvp? This event, however minor, is pvp and involves players who normally wouldn't be involved in such events.

    Think twice before foolishly pushing folks out, young master, You.
  8. Drgn, I kept it controled on the other thread and just now brought it here. I'm sure it won't pick up and spread like free swabia did.
  9. You is only hitting the small members of the JASW
  10. Wait a minute.... So your hitting newbs who actually want to war... Uhh why?????? This jasw is one of the greatest ways to popularize war in a long time. You Guys are really just being attention whores at this point
  11. FallenWing, Oh my god... you're a genious. Holy crap... Everyone, bow down. Do it. This man/woman has just solved the entire conflict on the thread in two sentences. Oh... praise you fallenwing... praise you. Thank you for reminding me what was said on the first page, second page, third page... I think you get the picture. You're a smart man FallenWing. Only few can state the obvious with such lack of oversavtion. Bravo. ... ... .
  12. I want to join You just for the farming lol
  13. Okay. If anyone in the JASW gets trouble from You, let me know. I'll keep his puny little spies well-pinned. Sorry, but bothering people who want to have a real war is not right. If you don't like reading the JASW threads, get off them. It's that simple. Now bugger off and let these fine ppl war. 
  14. You is farming due to the fact that there are 5 threads on the 1st page of the wars section in forums. Its a little annoying seeing so many threads, when only one thread is needed. People are stupid sometimes
  15. Frog, thank you for posting, yet again, the same responce everyone else had. I do believe You is hitting people, not sure who exaxtly though.
  16. Swag king found dtw
  17. Why does You carry full sdp? Oh well, makes it worth stealing him. Swag King, go ahead there's lots of ppl waiting to pin you all during JASW 
  18. If the mods had any sense at all they would fix that spam by adding all those into 1 thread
  19. Oops did I say that out loud? 