Path of Destruction declares war on JASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed923423, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Farmer what lesson did I learn? You didn't do **** to me your clan did which I knew They would from the start and didn't care lol. Stop acting like you yourself beat me
  2. @thefoxlife

    There is a rather large difference steepen picking a fight with someone bigger than you and picking a fight you can't win. One is a great way to earn gold quickly if you are good, ad the other is a fight you can't win, making it a painful waste of your time.

    Please learn to read before you post replies Indicative of limited cognitive ability.

    tl;dr version: use your noodle before posting.
  3. Never said I did lol. But I'll be in your news feed soon don't sleep buddy.
  4. So much for warring Jasw that kind of fizzled out 
  5. Farmer you been saying that for days now and it will be about time you finally hit me so I can just pin you
  6. Does it really matter the size of those 4 people when they are horribly outnumbered?
  7. You have to remember they did declare war on over 100 ppl
  8. Exactly. And you don't hear them complaining about the rosters
  9. Sounds fun
  10. Yeah but one did 
  11. Sign me up for this JASW put me on a roster thx
  12. Put me on one also
  13. This thread isn't to sign up for the JASW......
  14. I know I just wantto war
  15. Then pick a name and unload a few times on them. You'll have a war in no time at all
  16. Well if they want to farm the guys trying to learn the way this games played on hitting people on the roster I want on the roster sign me up
  17. Please sign me up for jasw you
  18. ? Why all the hate... Let us have our fun. I'm on the roster it's a great event for people to have fun an learn. Y'all are tripping
  19. Lol I guess You gave up.