Path of Destruction declares war on JASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed923423, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Noobs declaring war on other noobs. Oh what fun!
  2. Stay out of it or join the stronger side.
  3. I see what you mean. The solution to that would simply to never have their paths cross.
  4. You're making your master look bad, 'Gods-Warrior.' You tried to talk big and got kicked out of your clan, but you don't even have the balls to come out of pin. Oh, and all your failed hits speak volumes too!
    Now you're back, talking big again, but I noticed you completely ignored everything any of us said. Just admit you have been verbally owned, because you will never say anything that these guys can't throw back in your face, and next time just hush your mouth when men are talking :roll: I know I have no room to talk in the noob department, but at least I know when to shut up!
  5. .3. Roch, we are against eachother in the JASW! :(
  6. I would listen to roch if I were you Gods. She has first hand experience witha few of us 

    Don't try to join Ad Mortem again, dirt doesn't belong in a clan.
  7.  I don't shut up been silenced 8 times perm 5 of those times and still fight with the best of them 
  8. I think I've been to ad Mortem but I like mb xf and hog the most
  9. :roll: one successful hit and Gods has gone DTW again. Lamee. And you have a good pay out, too :lol:
  10. I have an idea, why don't I come out of retirement and farm path of destruction? Give the small guys a chance to hold their own all star war. "you" really don't want my friends and I on your noob clan "you"
  11. Oh.. Spar.. Welcome back.

  12. 
  13. I must congratulate YOU on this thread haha this has turned out to be an epic win for the war aspect of this game!

    Some of y'all haven't caught on to what this thread is actually about and that's ok.

    Long live WAR in KaW! :mrgreen:
  14. Has anyone even looked at YOU wall? Epic crybaby "I withdraw don't hit me" posts lmfao! He declares war on 130 or so people and nearly half back down from 4 guys ?????? What is going on really? Kingdoms at WAR!!!!!
  15. Pinky POD is just a clan that picks on people smaller than themselves.. If that was not obvi by now
  16. Well, only an idiot picks a fight he/she won't win.
  17. *facepalm*
    Like I said most don't grasp the concept!
    Ty YOU for the good time!
    I'm off the thread now! Have fun
  18. Fox learned that lesson already lol
  19. @Razz that is not true at all, I mainly pick fights with members bigger than me they pay better. And POD picks fights way smaller than themself