Woah woah woah... Me, frank? The ****? I've never held a proper conversation with "You". The hell makes you think we're always on the same side of things? I only posts on threads I know I can speak on. What You does is entirly up to him. You need to ge your information straight. I'm on forums alot because I enjoy the debates, disscusion, and arguments. If it wasn't for fourms, I probably would have quit the last time I went inactive. I can't get over how uneducated you are on this subject... I mean really, you're blaming me for this ****? Did I make the thread? Did I stand with You and join his cause? No I did not. I'm not even in his clan. I'm here argueing with Gods. How in the **** can you blame me for all this?
Lol, you are calling me an alt? I have a life so I'm not on here 24/7, I don't spend thousands of dollars on a game and I do this thing called war, not hit an eb all day.
Don, we should start a mafia. We can keep it small at first and grow it as we meet new warriors and vets and what not. Not a clan though, just a group.
Gods, I grew my first account souly on war and PvP. I participated in 2 PWars and let it get deleted before EBs were ever around. You can grow alot more than your pathetic size on war and PvP.