Path of Destruction declares war on JASW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Renamed923423, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. Heh god you are in idiot

    A double play on words :eek:
  2. Who do I need to farm first ?
  3. I sugguest gods but there are plenty of other people through out the thread.
  4. Gods, you really should respect your hosts, especially in a fine clan like ad Mortem. You don't need to agree with them, but when you're in someone else's home, you had better respect them
  5. Gods you are funny!
    I am a loud mouth on this thread yes,because I have had war declared on me by op (I'm a participant) but I'm one of the first ones to take a stand against this ****

    I don't care if you think I can't farm or whatever bro! My clan knows me and I doubt they are worried about what I have said on this thread! I didn't ask them for help I'm actually on my own right now! So get bent or come out of pin?
  6. Excuse me while I laugh Frank, "People like you are the reason my hope for these forums and this game is slowly fading away" you are joking right, you are saying this to me? I am hitting a loud mouth who is such a coward that he had to have his clan and friends back him up, may I ask were you there when people would trade 100(plus) hits before even thinking about telling their clan. I'm sorry he is in war, I also played in a time when people didn't give a **** if you were waring or not they would hit you anyways. Ooz he has 4 targets? How about he leaves those 4 for the other 500 people behind him and take me on? And you are saying I'm the reason this game is going downhill....
  7. God ill trade hits with you 
  8. 1000 hits and I still won't call my friends
  9. LOL! Because moron, the world doesn't revolve around you, let alone care what you have to say.

    You can 1v1 me all day
    But guessing by your failed attempt at retaliation
    I'm assuming it won't be much of a contest.

    You bad mouthed my clan on a public forum, why WOULDN'T I hit you?
  10. These guys don't deserve our attention, focus on the JASW
  11. Because gods, pinky won't bother hitting another one. You aren't special. If you think 5 on 1 is cowardly then get out.
  12.  Look at this guy, thinking he's played forever, Ha! Don't talk about KaW during times in which you know nothing about. I have been playing this game a week or two short of three years and I'm still dealing with kids who think they've played longer than me. You're a noob gods, you constantly use the same arguement that I have explained and disproven two different ways. If you can't come up with anything solid and worthy of being posted, don't post. As for what I said, no, I'm not kidding you. You can't post anything that I haven't disproven and continue to insult me. Get the **** out of here 
  13. Take your "fight" off forums
  14. This is horrible much respect lost to POD
    i dont understand this:

    You complain that you dont like EBs and want more war. So when people try to teach the next generation of kaw players how to farm them

    please explain reasoning!
  15. Gods :lol: talk **** about any member of any of the big war clans- LR, ZAFT, Ad Mortem, etc- and their clan will hit you whether that players asks for help or not. Since when is it a bad thing to know people know have your back?
    You talk a big game, but I don't see anyone on this thread defending you.
  16. @loveu the only war they had was against me and they have done epics
  17. I'm about 4 months short of 3 years started in the back when wars were everyday and farming till they quit was the mission now it's farm a monster who don't hit back
  18. Roch, I actually have to agree with that. I've been apart of multiple large war/ex-war clans and in all my experiences when one person is hit, they whole clan retaliates.
  19. My clan has nothing to do with this!
    I only stated that if ad mortem is all on me as well I would have to even the odds and I'm sure LR would oblige as we are family!
    The turd has been removed from ad mortem and is now a target along with pod! I won't stop till I feel better lol

    As far as yourr comments about me not hitting back haha you fail and not doing any damage and always pinned lmfao