Skinny the ally I stripped from you was tiny, easily affordable, you forget to mention the drop build hitting my alt and who cares how big this account is compared to you. I have to use my smallest alt just to hit you. Find new insults
Onsey I'm not trying to insult you. The opposite in fact. I just want you to go away. You are a creep, a stalker, and I would rather you went about doing whatever it is creeps like you do without my involvement. Why do you care so much how someone else chooses to enjoy their game onesy?
You even keep mentioning me on other threads that I have nothing to do with? What's the real issue onsey? You spend all your kaw time concerned about me. Why?
Onsey if you thought you were funny and whatever a for a few posts. I would totally get that, but this is all you post about. Ever. For a year now? What's the matter? Can't you just go away and play kaw without being a jerk to someone who doesn't want anything to do with you?
I dropped my build to fight a clan of much bigger players by myself. It was a good decision allowing me the opportunity to hit back. Sell my guild, regen and hit back again. I have never even spoken to them. That was my best course of action to take the fight to them and be competitive and enjoy war off system. instead of being pinned and zeroed 24/7 And you call me a wimp. Goofy was farmed out of the game. He quit because others forced him to. Then he comes back with a name change a year later and joins a big alliance for safety and he's not a wimp? What the hell?
The truth is onsey. You open for events to build your losses and you spend all your kaw time hitting haunting escapes and then hate on someone who legitimately plays kaw solely as a war game. If anyone is a wimp. It's you. It's goofy. I enjoy kaw. It's a pity you don't. You're missing out.
Everyone plays the way they choose to, no harm in that whatsoever. It is in fact a game played for enjoyment believe it or not.
If I wanted to play a game about college, I would add to my major and grab a drug addiction. No need to even look at PIMD.
My allies are banked in silver bars from your 3 fail strips. I gave you three goes Onesy, 3 goes. And you still try to brag about it lol.
Onesy is clearly compensating for something on these forums. He stalks everyone around them, bringing up their names on other threads, making moronic comments to get a bit of attention. Honestly seems like a really sad individual. Has invested an incredible amount of money and time into this game - and now has to resort to stalking people across a messaging board, trying to get cheap insults off to get a bit of attention. I'm glad the Internet was invented for people like you Onesy. It gives you a platform to feel like someone actually cares about you and thinks you are even somewhat relevant in this world. Then again, if the Internet wasn't invented no name, basement dwelling dweebs like you wouldn't have to be heard by anyone - which would actually be a better thing. Enjoy wasting your life on this game Onesy, bragging about untrue "accomplishments" and harassing people on a messaging board, you must be a real winner. I guess you've at least got something to tell your friends about though... ... Never mind.
All i got from that is you went to be a bully in a passive game. Well done. Whats a matter? No one respondin to your crap here, so you gotta go to another game to try and get ur badass "rep" there. Jeez Minny. If you want attention, go dress up at ya local pub. Im sure you'll get the attention you looking for. And hopefully get the rl beatdown you deserve Edit- cos poor Anarchy got his nose outta joint. Its a game. Cant hack it, get out. But you keep being a poptart ay.
Hopefully you get the ban you deserve for self-censoring. Also don't quote the OP, idiot. That's what the reply button is for. Going by your lame, try hard name, you aren't too hot in your social life either.
Coming from mr Anarchy...real original poptart. 1800 call someone who cares. And real original comment... "oh you dont have any friends cos of your name on a game" Do you even think before you comment, or do you just vomit crap. Your the kinda person i call an oxygen thief Try be tough somewhere else little boy. Edit- By the way ..dont tell me what i can and cant quote poptart. Its forums. Or an i affecting your delicate sense of nature...poor littlw flower you are huh.