party in my dorm. the bottom line.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SkinnyMinny, Feb 28, 2016.

  1. Thread cleaned. Thanks everyone for the heads up!!!

    Reminder that bypassing and inappropriate content is not allowed on kaw.

  2. As long as you get yourself into a normal group of friends on pimd then you should be fine. And just ignore the gross people lol.

    Just enjoy partying in your dorm!
  3. i got to admit that pimd layout more compeling than kaw.just make a comeback to pimd with 2 years acc that inactives after reset to see myself what big changes has been done there.

    i'm surprised that folk in pimd have more features and free stuff than in kaw.

    ps: i'm start to play again,maybe will use another 4 years acc,also reset acc.
  4. Im sorry but pimd is a terrible ....terrible app
  5. Ill help if we can get enough peps together would be funny
  6. Tried it last year. You'll have to import lots of KAW folk to do it. For the most part when you farm someone over there, you get ZERO inc...

    ...chances are you farm someone over there and they'll ask you out in a "date" or try to start a relationship with you.

    Last year some 17yo kept asking me out ...creepy stuff man.

    iPhone 
  7. lol 

    PIMD is rated 17 plus

    KAW is rated 9 plus

  8. Yeah todd I can def see why skinny likes it
  9. lol I found her acct and tried to give inc. but I think he/she dropped build  lol
  10. Role play is the most essential part of all ATA games, especially KAW.

    Ashes 
  11. Todd I just say it or just skinny, who knows anymore
  12. That isnt skinnyminny at all .Someone has cloned skinnyminny's screenname.
  13. Party in my dorm sucks! .......

    The bottom line also sucks!

    A change of environment rocks. A change of people for gods sake. Rocks.
  14. Party in my dorm sucks! .......

    The bottom line also sucks!

  15. That may or may not have been me
  16. Pretty sure it's skinny roni but I'd love to hear any crackpot theories you have
  17. you aint even funny onesy i know it aint the real skinnyminny.
  18. Roni did you even try clicking on the link to the op? It's skinny all right, in all its drop build glory
  19. i know the kaw skinnyminny is op .im talking about the Skinnyminny account on pimd.its not our skinnyminny on it its a clone.
  20. What is pimd? Is it an acronym?